Navigating the Mind-field
Navigating the Mind-field Podcast
Saturday 25 November 2023: Fairy Oracle Cards by Karen Kay
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -4:36

Saturday 25 November 2023: Fairy Oracle Cards by Karen Kay

This card shows three beautiful fairies sending fairy dust of blessings out into the world and you're being showered right now with magical blessings.

Whatever you're going through, you're being assisted by magical fairy blessings.

To receive fairy blessings is an honour.

Right now the fairies are bestowing their blessings upon you and your current situation.

Believe in your blessings and that these blessings are magical and are healing.

Only you will know what form that these blessings will take.

You can ask the fairies for their blessings at any time.

For example, if you have a job interview coming up or a challenge at home or in the workplace.

To do this, close your eyes, speak from your heart, explaining why you feel their blessings will be beneficial, then wait.

Patience is a virtue when hoping for a message or a sign from the fairies.

Remember, they'll only bestow blessings if it is their will.

It's important to acknowledge the fairies' blessings and give thanks.

The fairies also remind you that you can bestow blessings on others.

Showing our loved ones that we care is a form of blessing, especially to those who live alone or are feeling lonely.

A kind word matters and can make a world of difference.

This card, Magical Blessings is also a reminder to count your blessings and to focus on the positive aspects of your life.

The Power of Three is a method for focusing upon goals and for planning or organizing yourself by remembering things using three words.

Be aware or know that the fairy realm is with you and that you are being looked after and protected. A trio of fairies is with you right now.

The fairies are beings of light and they can sometimes be seen as little multicolored sparkles from the corner of your eye.

You may feel their presence sometimes through a nice tune on the radio or computer or through a synchronicity of signs or symbols, for example on the clock, you may see 11-11 or 4-4-4.

If you think upon the fairies as wonderful beings of energy that tend to nature, including human beings, you can connect to fairy energy for blessings.

Blessed Be!

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