Navigating the Mind-field
Navigating the Mind-field Podcast
Sunday 5 November: Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -11:28

Sunday 5 November: Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper

The dragons are bringing you the knowledge that you need

Open yourself up to the knowledge to transform

The orange-gold dragon from Arcturus brings you joy and satisfaction in working with divine knowledge or guidance that abounds.

Call upon this Dragon to give you what you need in the moment to care for yourself and to help humanity progress.

Arcturus is one of the most advanced star systems in our galaxy and the Orange-gold Dragon is a seventh-dimensional light being. Dragons help us to clear dense or negative energy from the land and from our energy fields. They are protective and support us to take the next right step for our self-care.

Self-care at the nth level is paramount. NLP masters say that one tiny positive change or action can have huge positive impacts. So make sure that you take action based upon the motivation to love and honour yourself. These are no times to be complacent or lazy but to do the next right thing, however small or large, for YOUR well-being. That could be as simple as getting up and having a glass of water. It’s time to put 100% effort into self-care.

You have incarnated at this time to be a leader and a light-bearer. This Dragon is inspiring you to do your part for the new Golden Age on Earth. Be still and listen and note powerful even if subtle nudges or knowing or messages, which you realise are to help you grow and live well and to support all of Life.

It is time to stand in your power and to fulfil your destiny.

Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. Pat yourself on the back for having got this far.

Wash away your worries by applying your moment to moment self-care techniques, sucha as deep slow breathing to mantras or listening to soothing music. You have a lot to do and many people and beings to help.

Visualise your comforting beautiful orange-gold dragon at your side as your guiding beacon. You can ask your dragon “What would you wish me do now” and wait for the answer as a sign.

Some useful references follow.

A Happy Pocket Full of Money, Expanded Study Edition: Infinite Wealth and Abundance in the Here and Now, by David Gikandi

Chapter 2 of this book is amazing, clearly describing the nature of physical forms from the viewpoint of its quantum nature. It says that there are arrangements of sub-atomic particles or light into atoms. Things only exist or appear real when we observe these arrangements locally. Everything possible exists, so it’s a matter of connecting to the possibility that you wish for. You do this through have a passionate intention and desire and by focusing with unwavering belief on what you want. Amazing!

Busting Loose from the Money Game by Robert Scheinfield

I have just started reading this and realise the enormous power of the processes that Robert outlines. I am really enjoying reading this very interesting book. Basically the author picks up from what David describes as quantum fields of possibility. He says that we are streams of consciousness, powerful beyond measure; collectively creating what we observe and believe to be reality.

It’s an illusion or made up as we and all matter forms are holograms of light in terms of everything is created by light projected from Source onto possible patterns and designs of events or movements of particles.

So we can reclaim our power by first appreciating our Divine power or abilities and then feeling our power as an expanded self or a “Higher Consciousness.” The point is not to do this mentally but to do it experientially or to really FEEL every moment that you are a bigger unlimited POWER. Believing and feeling this means that you change things just because you’re operating from Divine Source. No need to judge or blame anyone in your past, present, or future; or to categorise anything as good or bad, when connecting to your Divine Power. Just the connection will change things for the better naturally or organically without you planning and judging things as good or bad.

I recommend this book to read and the practices within to use.

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