Navigating the Mind-field
Navigating the Mind-field Podcast
Sunday 24 April 2022 Reading: Wings of Love by Jenny Smedley

Sunday 24 April 2022 Reading: Wings of Love by Jenny Smedley

The Angels are saying "Be assured we have a plan for you."


“Be assured I have a plan for you.”

We all have at least one guardian angel and spirit guides who watch over us and are available to respond to our requests for help. Everything is from God and Source and angels are pure frequencies of light energy that bridge God and matter.

YOU matter.

This card is very positive, meaning that you are fulfilling your divine blueprint. Human beings were gifted by Source with free will, which means free will in choosing their beliefs and thoughts. Our minds or thoughts are just tools to help our “hearts” or Souls co-create a peaceful and just world for all.

This card from the beautiful deck of angel cards by Jenny Smedley signifies to have faith in God or Source that a great plan is afoot for all of us. The beautiful swirly calming colours of the scene and the calm enquiring stance of the angel show that the Angels have your best care in their hands.

The Angel holds a wand in her hand with coloured crystals corresponding to the seven chakras. She will help you maintain a direct line of light with source.

Have faith that all is well. Trust your intuition and believe in your self-worth and that you are competent, achieved, well-loved, and focus on your desires. The Archangels, your guardian angels and Source are helping you fulfill your plans.

P.S. Sorry for the low volume. I will try my laptop for recording the audio for next weekend’s reading!



Every Saturday or Sunday I will tune into the collective energies and draw a card from one of my decks.

Navigating the Mind-field
Navigating the Mind-field Podcast
Each month I will tune into the collective energies and do a weekly reading from one of my oracle card decks.